Shedule -
Séminaire francilien de Géométrie Algorithmique et Combinatoire
5 Décembre 2024: Federica Fanoni et Charles Arnal
Olga Ladyjenskaïa
14h00 Federica Fanoni (CNRS, Université Paris-Est Créteil)
From curve graphs to fine curve graphs, and back
In this talk I will introduce curve graphs and fine curve graphs of surfaces and discuss how they interact. In particular, I will talk about how, and to which extent, curve graphs can be used to approximate fine curve graphs. If time permits, I will diacuss how fine curve graphs results can be used to show the existence of a parabolic isometry of a graph of curves of certain infinite-type surfaces. This is joint work with Sebastian Hensel
15h30 Charles Arnal (Inria et Université Paris-Saclay)
Critical points and sampling theory of generic submanifolds
We are interested in C2 compact submanifolds M⊂\Rd and random finite samplings A⊂M, in the distance functions dM and dA and in their critical points and their persistence diagrams \dgmi(M) and \dgmi(A). These can be very irregular in general, but we show that they are well-behaved when M is generic.