Du au

Shedule -

ERCOM 2025

ERCOM meeting Paris 2025

Institut Henri Poincaré
Amphitheatre Y. Choquet-Bruhat
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie 75005 Paris

In 2025, the traditional meeting of the EMS committee ERCOM (European Research Centres on Mathematics) is organised by the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris. The meeting will provide a discussion forum to comment on the situation of mathematics in Europe, seek synergies, establish common strategies, promote the training of researchers, and discuss any other topic of interest. We sincerely invite both directors and administrative representatives of all member and associate centres to participate.

Registration is open until Sunday 16 February.



Friday 21 March
- 12h30-13h30 Lunch
 - 13h30-17h00 Working session (the precise agenda will be added later)
 - 17h00-18h30 Guided tour of the Maison Poincaré
 - 19h00 Cocktail at Zamansky tower

Saturday 22 March
 - 9h00-12h30 Working session (the precise agenda will be added later)
 - 12h30 Lunch

Cultural activity
 - 14h00 Pending