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Shedule -

2024-T3 Post-quantum algebraic cryptography

Emerging topics in design and cryptanalysis of post-quantum schemes

Institut Henri Poincaré
Amphithéâtre Hermite
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie
75005 Paris

Post-quantum algebraic cryptography

Workshop 2: Emerging topics in design and cryptanalysis of post-quantum schemes

November 4 to 8, 2024 - IHP, Paris

Registration is free but mandatory.

About the workshop 

This workshop will serve as a forum for researchers to present current results and works in progress on standard and advanced algebraic cryptography in a post-quantum setting.  Topics to be covered during the workshop include, but are not limited to, post-quantum:
* Digital Signatures
* Key-encapsulation Mechanisms
* Threshold Cryptography
* Privacy-enhancing cryptography
* Machine learning for cryptanalysis
* Hardness assumptions
List of invited speakers

* Martin Albrecht (King's College London & SandboxAQ, London, UK) 
* Luis Brandao (NIST/Strativia) 
* Thibauld Feneuil (CryptoExperts)
* Kit Battarbee (Sorbonne Univeristy) 
* Vadim Lyubashevsky (IBM Research Zurich)
* Alex May (Ruhr Universität Bochum) 
* Chris Peikert (University of Michigan)
* Edoardo Persichetti (Florida Atlantic University)
* Federico Pintore (University of Trento) 
* Ludovic Perret (Sorbonne University)
* Thomas Prest (PQShield) 
* Angela Robinson (NIST)
* Ray Perlner (NIST)
* Joachim Rosenthal (University of Zürich)
* Melissa Rossi (ANSSI)
* Damien Stehlé (CryptoLab Inc) 
* Renaud Sirdey (CEA LIST)
* Benjamin Wesolowski  (ENS Lyon)
* Javier Verbel (TII, UAE)
* David Jao (University of Waterloo)



  • Olive Chakraborty (CEA, France)
  • Delaram Kahrobaei (CUNY, York, NYU, USA)
  • Ludovic Perret (Sorbonne University, LIP6, France)
  • Angela Robinson (NIST, USA)