
Monographs and journals

The library's collections include more than 40 000 monographs and around 1 200 journal titles. Various catalogs let you discover all of our resources from different angles.


In 2024, the library receives 101 ongoing titles. Of these, 58 are purchased, 43 come from donations or exchanges.

The library has a very active role in the PCMath, the national plan for the shared conservation of printed journals in mathematics, run by the RNBM. IHP is engaged to be a perennial conservation centre for more than 188 titles, and has been awarded the label reference collection for 97 out of them.


The most represented fields are all the various disciplines surrounding mathematics and theoretical physics. The library also holds a comprehensive collection on the history and philosophy of science covering those same fields of mathematics and theoretical physics, however with an emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries.

The library's full monographs collection appears in every catalogs listed below. Though these do not all have the same scope and thus can redirect you to other resources available elsewhere.


Primo - Sorbonne Université

Main catalog. Search within all libraries at Sorbonne Université (Sciences & engineering, Medicine et Arts & humanities).


SUDOC - Abes

Système universitaire de documentation. French collective catalogue created by Higher Academic and Research libraries and resource centers. There are nearly 15 million bibliographic records in this catalog describing all kinds of document (books, dissertations, reviews, electronic resources, audio-visual documents, microfiches, maps, scores, manuscripts and very old books.)

Sudoc also catalogs the series collections of periodicals held by around 2000 library institutions (such as town libraries, other resource centres, etc.)
Lastly, Sudoc's mission is to list all dissertations/theses produced in France.


CFP - Mathdoc

Shared catalog for mathematical journals. Allows you to localise titles in French mathematics libraries.


CCfr - BnF

The French Collective Catalog localise nearly 40 million documents held in French libraries.

local access (logged in) Accès local (authentifié)

open access Accès libre

Portail Math

accès authentifié Portail math

Once logged in, the Portail Math grants you access to a large selection of electonic resources.


accès authentifié MIR Revues électroniquesMIR Livres électroniques

Electronic resources catalogs from the Maths-Info-Recherche libraries at Sorbonne Université and Université Paris Cité.


open access Numdam

Digital library Numdam has a large collection of mathematical publications. Journals has been digitized from their first issue to around 2000. For the more recent issues you may be redirected to the publisher's site.

Centre Mersenne

open access Centre Mersenne

Open access publishing platform for scientific publications.


accès authentifié BibCNRS

Catalog of all documentation made available by the CNRS.


accès authentifié ISTEX

Long-term safeguarding platform for all scientific resources acquired at national level.

List of databases that may help you find documents that aren't necessarily at IHP's library.

local access (logged in) Accès local (authentifié)

open access Accès libre

open access

arXiv is an e-print service covering the fields of physics, mathematics, non-linear science, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance and statistics.


open access Zentralblatt MATH

Bibliographic database about mathematic literature since 1868.


accès authentifié MathSciNet

Bibliographic database about mathematic literature since 1940.


open access Archives ouvertes HAL Sorbonne Université

Multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and consultation of scientific research papers, whether they are published or not, and of PhD theses. The archives come from Sorbonne Université.


open access Archives ouvertes HAL CNRS

The HAL-CNRS portal hosts all scientific publications produced by the CNRS. It provides dissemination, preservation and free access to research works: articles, reports, theses.

Licences nationales

Licences nationales

List of all scientific and technical information resources acquired at the French national level.

The large and comprehensive collection of online titles available at IHP are obtained through subscriptions passed by the Sorbonne University Library and the CNRS, as well as through agreements with publishers made by the RNBM or on a national level.