Scientific programmes archives
- Analyse complexe à plusieurs variables
November 24th, 2003 - February 20th, 2004
Organizers : G. Henkin, N. Sibony - Systèmes dynamiques
September 1st, 2003 - November 21st, 2003
Organizers : A. Douady, R. Roussarie, H-H. Rugh, J.-C. Yoccoz, L.S. Young - Mathématique, Informatique et Génomique
April 14th, 2003 - July 11th 2003
Organizers : A. Danchin, A. Hénaut, L. Mouchard, B. Prum, B. D. Sankoff, B. Torresani - Geometry and statistics of random growth
January 6th, 2003 - April 4th, 2003
Organizers : B. Duplantier, R. Kenyon, S. Nechaev, A. Vershik
- Dynamique des fronts réactifs
September 9th, 2002 - December 20th, 2002
Organizers : H. Berestycki, J.W. Dold, G. Joulin - Noyaux de la chaleur, marches aléatoires et analyse sur les graphes et les variétés
April 16th, 2002 - July 13th, 2002
Organizers : P. Auscher, G. Besson, T. Coulhon, A. Grigor’yan - Neurosciences et computation
January 7th, 2002 - April 12th, 2002
Organizers : N. Brunel, Y. Frégnac, C. Meunier, J.-P. Nadal
- Limites Hydrodynamiques
September 3rd, 2001 - December 21st, 2001
Organizers : F. Golse, S. Olla - La statistique non paramétrique et ses applications
February 12th, 2001 - July 12th, 2001
Organizers : P. Massart, D. Picard, S. van de Geer, J. Wellmer
- Supercordes, supergravité et théorie M
September 18th, 2000 - February 9th, 2001
Organizers : L. Antoniadis, E. Cremmer, K. Stelle - Formes automorphes
February 14th, 200 - July 13th, 2000
Organizers : H. Carayol, M. Harris, J Tilouine, M-F Vignéras
- Probabilités non-commutatives, matrices aléatoires et analyse fonctionnelle
September 13th, 1999 - February 11th, 2000
Organizers : P. Biane, G. Pisier, D. Voiculescu - Fermions fortement corrélés et magnétisme quantique
April 12th, 1999 - July 16th, 1999
Organizers : B. Douçot, T. Jolicoeur, H. Schulz - Géométrie diophantienne
January 4th, 1999 - April 2nd, 1999
Organizers : S. David, P. Philippon, P. Satgé, E. Ullmo
- Questions mathématiques en traitement du signal et de l'image
September 14th, 1998 - December 18th, 1998
Organizers : R. Azencott, Y. Meyer, J-M. Morel, D. Mumford - Inégalités de Sobolev logarithmiques, mécanique statistique, grandes déviations
April 9th, 1998 - July 10th, 1998
Organizers : G. Ben Arous, F. Comets, L. Gross, L. Saloff-Coste, D. Stroock - Théorie du contrôle et applications
January 5th, 1998 - April 3rd, 1998
Organizers : C. Bardos, J-M. Coron, G. Lebeau, J-P. Puel
- Intégrale fonctionnelle September 15th, 1997 - December 19th, 1997 Organizers : P. Cartier, J-M. Bismut, C. DeWitt-Morette
- Cohomologies p-adiques et applications arithmétiques February 17th, 1997 - July 11th, 1997 Organizers : P. Berthelot, K. Kato, J-M. Fontaine, L. Illusie, M. Rapoport
- Systèmes intégrables
September 15th, 1996 - February 15th, 1997 Organizers : O. Babelon, J-M. Maillard, P. Van Moerbeke, J-B. Zuber - Géométrie et topologie de petite dimension
February 15th, 1996 - July 15th, 1996 Organizers : M. Boileau, F. Bonahon, J-P. Otal, F. Paulin
- Chaos et quantification
September 15th, 1995 - February 15th, 1996
Organizers : E. Bogomolny, Y. Colin de Verdière, A. Voros - Surfaces de Riemann et fibrés vectoriels
February 15th, 1995 - July 15th, 1995
Organizers : A. Beauville, D. Eisenbud, J. Le Potier, C. Peskine - Ondes non linéaires
September 15th, 1995 - February 15th, 1995
Organizers : S. Fauve, Y. Pomeau
- Géométrie symplectique
February 15th, 1994 - July 15th, 1994
Organizers : F. Laudenbach, C. Viterbo