Programme, Current
Affichage des résultats 1 à 13 sur 77 au total
Research | Institut Henri Poincaré
Programme, Upcoming
PC2-2025 Active Matter: the synergy between Maths and Physics
Programme, Upcoming
T2-2025 Higher rank geometric structures
Programme, Upcoming
T1-2025 Representation theory and noncommutative geometry
Programme, Upcoming
PC2-2024 Random tensors and related topics
Programme, Past
T2-2024 Group actions and rigidity: around the Zimmer program
Programme, Past
PC1-2024 Quantum and classical fields interacting with geometry
Programme, Past
T1-2024 Quantum many-body systems out-of-equilibrium
Conferences - Events, Past
Perceiving Art: Physics Principles & Research Challenges
Programme, Past
T3-2023 Recent trends in computer algebra
Programme, Past
T2-2023 Higher structures in geometry and mathematical physics
Programme, Past
T1A-2023 Quantum gravity, random geometry and holography