Supervisory bodies and partners
Supervisory bodies
The Institut Henri Poincaré is a component of the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Sorbonne Université, as well as a support and research unit (UAR839) of its two supervisory bodies, the CNRS and Sorbonne Université, which provide it with financial and human resources to carry out its missions. Regarding the CNRS, IHP depends on the National Institute of Mathematical Sciences and their Interactions (INSMI) and on the Institute of Physics(INP). Its spectrum falls under sections 02 (Physical theories: methods, models and applications) and 41 (Mathematics and interactions of mathematics) of the National Committee for Scientific Research.
The Institut Henri Poincaré works with public and private partners.
The CARMIN Laboratory of Excellence [Centres d'Accueil et de Rencontres Mathématiques Internationales] is part of the future investment programme. In addition to IHP, it brings together CIMPA, CIRM and IHES, whose web links are given below. The coordinating institution is Sorbonne Université, and IHP is in charge of the project, with Sylvie Benzoni as scientific and technical manager.
Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris
The Fondation Sciences mathématiques de Paris is a network of excellence founded by Parisian universities and research institutions in mathematics and theoretical computer science. It finances programmes (chairs of excellence, doctoral and post-doctoral grants, master's scholarships, etc.) that contribute to the advancement of research and the international attractiveness of Paris in mathematics. It also supports the scientific programmes of IHP.
IHP endowment fund
The endowment fund provides crucial support for IHP's outreach projects. A special page is dedicated to it on this site.
IHP Publications Association
The IHP Publications Association supports the development of the IHP. For more details see the Annals of IHP page.
Learned societies
The learned societies federate the scientific community. In particular, the Société Mathématique de France (SMF) has always been linked to the IHP. The institute also hosts SMAI, SFdS, SIF and SFP.
Hosted associations
Various associations for the promotion of mathematics and related sciences are hosted at IHP.
Institutes & universities
The IHP has agreements with other institutes and universities.