Programme, Past

T1A-2021 Quantitative evolution, phylogeny and ecology : from models to data and back

Start date : - End date :

Quantitative evolution, phylogeny and ecology : from models to data and back

January 11, 2022 - February 19, 2022


Anne-Florence Bitbol, Claude Loverdo, Mikhail Tikhonov, Aleksandra Walczak

Scientific programme:

Administrative, financial and logistic organisation :

Romain De Angeli


Vidéo de présentation T1A-2021


Through the CIMPA-CARMIN program the organizers wish to fund, with the support of the Labex CARMIN, the CIMPA and IHP, the participation of several young mathematicians from developing countries to the activities of the semester.
Young scientists (master students soon looking for a PhD, PhD students, postdocs) meeting those criteria and interested in the topics are much encouraged to apply for a support to participate on the CIMPA web page.