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Shedule -

2021-T2 Symplectic topology, contact topology and interactions

Advances in Symplectic topology (Virtual)

En ligne

The conference will be held on line.

Speakers (Abstracts below)

  • Russel Avdek (Uppsala Universitet): Holomorphic curve invariants of convex hypersurfaces.

  • Jonathan Bowden (Universität Regensburg): Open books, Bourgeois contact structures and their properties.

  • Lev Buhovsky (Tel Aviv University): On Fabry's quotient theorem.

  • Dan Cristofaro-Gardiner (IAS and UC Santa Cruz): The Kapovich-Polterovich question.

  • Urs Frauenfelder (Universität Augsburg): Frozen planet orbits.

  • Umberto Hryniewicz (RWTH-Aachen): Reeb flows in dimension three with exactly two periodic orbits.

  • Jo Nelson (Rice University): Embedded Contact Homology of Prequantization Bundles.

  • Álvaro del Pino Gómez (Universiteit Utrecht): Flexibility of distributions through convex integration.

  • Ana Rechtman (Université de Strasbourg): Broken books and Reeb dynamics in dimension 3.

  • Lisa Traynor (Bryn Mawr College): Legendrian Torus and Cable Links.


Frédéric Bourgeois (Orsay)
Helmut Hofer (Princeton)
Klaus Niederkrüger (Lyon)
Sobhan Seyfaddini (Paris)