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Shedule -

2022-T3 Geometry & Statistics in Data Sciences

GESDA Introductory School - IESC Cargèse, Corsica

GESDA Introductory School

5-9 September 2022 - IESC Cargèse, Corsica

Specifically turned towards Masters/PhD students and young researchers, this Summer school will introduce the main tools and concepts related to IHP's thematic quarter on Geometry and Statistics in Data Sciences.

The objective of the Introductory School is to lay the theoretical foundations for the rest of the Quarter, both in statistics or geometry and topology. Its ambition is to benefit students from Probability theory, Statistics, fundamental Mathematics.

This introductory school is built around three courses (8h each), including practical sessions with Python libraries.



Application procedure

Application to the school is now  closed

After validation of the application by the organizers, the candidate will receive an email.

Registration to the school (including accommodation and meals) is free.

Application procedure for students

Master students, PhD students and post doc students must upload a resume/CV (pdf format). PhD students must also upload a letter of support from their supervisor (pdf format).  These documents can be uploaded in the "abstract" field  of the application form.

Financial support for transportation is available for students.